Because every person has a story

worth being told…and heard.

Memories fade and stories can be forgotten, but when you invest in a legacy video, you preserve the power, wonder and joy of seeing loved ones and hearing their amazing journeys!

Make a memory that will be cherished and shared for generations!




Our team at To Be Told Productions are experts at

capturing special moments of your loved ones today,

so you can share and enjoy their captivating

personalities and inspiring stories for lifetimes.


You’ll not only get a timeless keepsake.

You’ll have an unforgettable experience.

There is a Better way

At best, most people only have photographs and possibly a few journal entries or saved letters from older generations.

But there’s a better way to preserve the memory and perpetuate the legacy of your loved ones…for generations to come.

Identifying the Problem

At best, most people only have photographs and possibly a few journal entries or saved letters from older generations.

But there’s a better way to preserve the memory and perpetuate the legacy of your loved ones…for generations to come.

One of the biggest mistakes we can all fall prey to is the idea that there’s always going to be time to get something done. Sadly, with aging loved ones, that’s just not the case. A day will come for everyone when it’s simply too late—either because their health has taken an unexpected turn or they’re simply no longer with us.

Rather than risk regrets, we’re encouraging you to make this a priority and trust us to deliver a spectacular final product you’ll treasure forever.

Our proven team of professionals know how to make this a seamless

process and an unforgettable experience.

So let’s talk today

while there’s still time to make a lasting memory

We Discovered the Power of Capturing Loved Ones’ Stories on Camera…Now We Want You to Experience It for Your Family!

We provide something so much more powerful and moving…

An unforgettable experience that captures all visual and audio nuances of a person’s personality, including their laughter, smile, hand movements, gestures and the sound of their voice!

Most importantly, this timeless keepsake will endure and be passed down from generation to generation to preserve memories and introduce family members to the legacy that came before them!

We Discovered the Power of Capturing Loved Ones’ Stories on Camera…Now We Want You to Experience It for Your Family!

We provide something so much more powerful and moving…

An unforgettable experience that captures all visual and audio nuances of a person’s personality, including their laughter, smile, hand movements, gestures and the sound of their voice!

Most importantly, this timeless keepsake will endure and be passed down from generation to generation to preserve memories and introduce family members to the legacy that came before them!

We Discovered the Power of Capturing Loved Ones’ Stories on Camera…Now We Want You to Experience It for Your Family!

We provide something so much more powerful and moving…

An unforgettable experience that captures all visual and audio nuances of a person’s personality, including their laughter, smile, hand movements, gestures and the sound of their voice!

Most importantly, this timeless keepsake will endure and be passed down from generation to generation to preserve memories and introduce family members to the legacy that came before them!

Just Imagine…

Having the opportunity to see and hear loved ones laughing, smiling and sharing their story…

and being able to view it again and again, and share it with others!

Let Us Serve You

Our expert team of creative professionals will ensure that your final video is professional, powerful and personal. We have the experience and expertise to engage people on camera in an authentic way that brings out their personality and unique stories.

Let Us Serve You

Our expert team of creative professionals will ensure that your final video is professional, powerful and personal. We have the experience and expertise to engage people on camera in an authentic way that brings out their personality and unique stories.



This is our most popular production package, because it allows our clients and their loved ones to relax and be served. We’ll guide you through the process as we create together a memorable, timeless video that’s both fun to capture and emotionally engaging to view.

It Includes:

  • Customized film shoot, so you'll have ample time to tease out special memories and moments.
  • 2-camera shoot, allowing for close ups and alternate perspectives.
  • Professional lighting package, to ensure your loved ones look their best
  • Strategic interview questions to bring the personality of your loved ones
  • Welcome call with customized interaction to cater the project to your family's needs
  • Captivating 50-minute full length video (Professionally edited)
  • 3-minute highlight video edit (For online posting and sharing)
  • Digital copy for computer and phone storage and viewing
  • DVD and Professional Packaging for a polished, tangible keepsake


This top-tier offering includes everything listed above, plus a dedicated hour of shooting each member of the couple separately for additional impact and individualization! The final deliverable, in addition to what’s included in the Legacy Package, will include an additional 3-minute highlight video of each individual! If you’re looking for the best package, this is your clear choice!


Our most budget-friendly, travel-free package allows you to take a far more active role in the creative process and take ownership of directing and filming the shoot within your own home.

It Includes:

  • Ring light mailed to you to enhance existing lighting in your home.
  • Scripted interview questions to guide your interaction with loved ones.
  • Step-by-step guide for filming with your own equipment.
  • Email accountability reminders to help keep your project on schedule.
  • 50-minute full length video (professionally edited).
  • 3-minute highlight video edit (for online posting and sharing).

A Timeless Keepsake

to Be Cherished

You’ll love the heirloom quality packed video that our team will develop unique to your project. It’s something you can literally “hold on to,” to help you hold onto the memories and magical moments captured of your loved ones.

Creating a Legacy Video Is a Remarkable Gift

to Share With Generations!

It’s Powerful

There’s nothing quite like the ability to see and hear a loved one share their wit, wisdom and wonderful stories. A Legacy Video allows those not even born yet a chance to connect in a powerful way with their ancestors.

It’s Timeless

This professional package will deliver laughter, joy and healing for years after your loved ones have passed. It’s a wonderful tool for family bonding at holidays and special celebrations.

It’s Personal

No two families are alike, and neither are any of its family members. This special gift allows each family member that’s filmed to shine and share the things that make them so very unique. It allows them to open up and be seen for the valued individuals that they are.

You Can Get All This

(and more!)

Now is the Time

Time flies and memories can be lost if we don’t actively pursue capturing them

in a meaningful way that will last.

It’s an Investment That Keeps Paying Dividends

The impact of a Legacy Video will be experienced again and again over the years as current and future family members are given the chance to see and hear directly from their lineage.

You’ll Enjoy the Process

Our creative team members are skilled at making every step of the development process smooth and the overall experience memorable and fun. You’ll be so glad you took the time to do this!

You Can Get All This

(and more!) Without…

Now Is the Time

Time flies and memories can be lost if we don’t actively pursue capturing them in a meaningful way that will last.

It’s an Investment That

Keeps Paying Dividends

The impact of a Legacy Video will be experienced again and again over the years as current and future family members are given the chance to see and hear directly from their lineage.

You’ll Enjoy the Process

Our creative team members are skilled at making every step of the development process smooth and the overall experience memorable and fun. You’ll be so glad you took the time to do this!

Our Customers are Raving

"Just to realize that could go on. That maybe I could be speaking to generations to come… what a gift"

Limited Time Offer

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Our Guarantee

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Capture Your Loved Ones Today!

Time waits for no one and the consequence of waiting too long to capture your loved ones is tragic, so make the most of the moment and schedule a call to see how you can get started today!

Time waits for no one and the consequence of waiting too long to capture your loved ones is tragic, so make the most of the moment and schedule a call to see how you can get started today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why do we need a Legacy Video?

A: Family members share a powerful bond and a chance to see and hear the candid, personal stories of the older generation before they pass is a remarkably powerful opportunity that’s not to be missed.

Q: Is this an expensive investment?

A: The value that a Legacy video delivers is beyond measure. Given the timeless quality of the final product, as well as the fact that countless generations to come can have free access to “meeting” their ancestors, it’s hard not to see how “worth it” this investment truly is.

Q: Why should I partner with To Be Told Productions?

A: Our skilled team of compassionate professionals know how to make the process, as well as the final product, particularly memorable. This is our passion, and we want to share our talents with you so your family can experience the same impact we have!

Don’t put off for another day this exciting opportunity to preserve the personality and powerful legacy of your loved ones.

Call now and let us show what’s possible!

Don’t put off for another day this exciting opportunity to

preserve the personality and powerful legacy of your loved ones.

Call now and let us show what’s possible!

To Be Told Productions Ⓒ 2022